Monday, January 2, 2012

The Top 3 Best Tasting Coffees in the World

!±8± The Top 3 Best Tasting Coffees in the World

If you are a lover of Java, then you must be curious about the best types of coffee available in the entire world. There are so many coffees to choose from, so how do you even know where to begin? Some of the best of the best are quite rare, and they offer a complex and deep flavor profile. Here are the top three choices in exotic coffees found all over the world:

1. Kopi Luwak: This is the most expensive coffee in the entire world, and it also is the most rare. It is the most expensive because it is the most in demand, and it is made of coffee beans that are hand-picked from the excrement of tree cats. These cats are located in Indonesia, and the coffee beans that they eat and pass through their system are quite rare and considered a delicacy in the coffee world. If this sounds like something that is not too appetizing, then you definitely need to try a cup of this brew to become a believer. There is one single coffee shop in Australia that serves this type of coffee, and it runs at per cup, so they must be onto something...

2. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee: This is also quite a rare type of coffee, and it is fairly expensive at around per pound. This is a coffee that is grown within the Jamaican Blue Mountains, so it is cultivated a high altitude. The reason that high altitude grown coffee is so special is because it grows at a slower rate so that the flavors can develop more deeply within the beans. Coffee grown on the Blue Mountains also has a cloud cover because of the altitude, so it is naturally shade grown, meaning that it will have a deeper and richer flavor as a result. Jamaica also has very fertile soil and a large amount of rainfall, making it the perfect environment for growing premium coffee.

3. Hawaiian Kona Coffee: This is a very special type of coffee, and Hawaii is actually the only location in the United States that grows coffee. Hawaii has the fertile volcanic soil and humid atmosphere that is perfect for growing coffee crops, which is why the Kona blend is so popular and delicious. Kona coffee is grown in sun in the morning with rainfall in the afternoons and mild temperatures in the evenings. This is the ideal coffee growing atmosphere, and when you sample a cup of Kona, you will recognize that it has a creamy and rich flavor with chocolatey undertones. This coffee does have a medium body with mild acidity, and it offers very deep aromas that will truly stand out to the coffee lover.

So there you have it - the best of the best in coffee selections! As a coffee connoisseur, make it your goal to try one of these three rare types of coffee at least once in your lifetime because they are not to be missed!

The Top 3 Best Tasting Coffees in the World

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