Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Adventures in North Florida

!±8± Adventures in North Florida

North Florida is a region completely different from that in South Florida. For those who suffer from a real old Florida, with less quantity, the smaller cities, and want more space, this is the right place!

Day 1

Withlacoochee Park, Dade City, is a pleasant scenic area. As part of the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve, the park offers hiking trails, picnic areas, playground, fishing, canoeing start, bird watching, and whimsical sculptures. As we went over a bridge, we discovered aAlligator a bath! We saw some birds, but I only saw the buzzards, ducks and geese. The oaks and Spanish moss are beautiful! We tried to Dade City to visit the store, but I found it closed. We loaded a lot of fun on the outside, the style of the year 1950 together with family and citrus, and the old truck with the driver.

Brooksville in Hernando County, is another of Main Street in the city of Florida. It was the great Florida Rural Community in 2000. We triedthrough five buildings in Rogers Christmas shop '! The rooms are arranged so that stay in a holiday show. Decorations for every taste and budget availability. Reading the decorating was fun! We came up with ideas for the Christmas dance in our heads. The city is full of old-style houses and shops. We ate at the Main Street Eatery. We had the best burgers Cajun bean soup! The friendly service and atmosphere! Our meals for half sandwich and a Cuban MARYJO Greg and 2Iced tea. Cost before tip was $ 19.

Which has six hills and archaeological sites is the longest continuously inhabited pre-Columbian Indian site? If you answered Crystal River, you're right! The population may be as high as 7500 to have. Today is the history of Native Americans in the Visitor Center, marked with a timeline that shows the tools and a diorama. A manure pile (a pile of discarded household items) and a ceremonial stone tomb mound, were placed on the offer of helpto understand more about lifestyle, about 500B.C. The site was started about 1300 AD, used to have to build it here? It 'a mystery story. Excavations were begun in 1903 by Clarence Moore. Tours and ranger programs are available. Visitors can watch birds and fish in the waters. This is part of the Great Florida Birding Trail. Allow about 45 minutes longer, if you're planning a picnic. Admission is only $ 3 per carload. The park is off Rt 19 near Crystal River.Florida State Parks was awarded the best parks in America. We enjoyed our stay!

A display train surprised us along Rt 98 near Gulf Hammock Levy County. He remembers the railway Patterson McInnis prominent in the region at the beginning of 1900, and part of the sawmill Patterson McInnis. The engine moved often 30 or 40 cars stacked logs. The recording industry has been a major Florida. A small cove directly behind offers shade and a moment of silence. This is an example ofSurprises during the trip just before the back roads.

Another surprise was a scene of sea creatures in front of a giant lawn ornament ornament shop or business. Huge sharks, crabs and fish hung in the air, or climbed the fence. Across the street was a lighthouse, a church.

The end of the day came to a dinner at BBQ Bill's in Chiefland. MARYJO could not resist the sampler plate, a delicious combination of chicken, ribs, beef and pork. Leftovers the next unlessPicnic Day! Greg had a taste for porterhouse steak, and tasty. All three sauces were delicious, even if Greg prefers the spicy one. Two soft drinks completed the meal with the mines. Our waitress was friendly and efficient. Total was $ 34 before tip.

Day 2

We fell in love today - with Cedar Key! It 'been a great start to the day! Cedar Key is a fishing, mussel farming, community, neighborhood and historical artists 'colony'. It 'a place where the pace slows and the visitor canenjoy the important things in life. Fishing, bird watching, swimming, boating, hiking, camping, shopping, dining and sightseeing are all activities can be enjoyed by visitors. The village is located in the Gulf of Mexico, between the islands with beautiful old buildings and trees and shrubs Florida. There was once a major supplier of fish and wood products. We loved the colors of the houses and shops, the state of mind - like the monkeys in the trees, the small beach, the mall, history,Curdmudgeonalia Bookstore, and the countless possibilities for activities. We love Key West and Key West is like, minus the amount of the high price and the long way there. Going back for a long weekend soon! It is about 45 minutes from Chieri. Leave all the time! This is a gem!

Down the road, we knew Dakotah Winery waiting! The reasons for saying that this is a special place. An old Spanish cannon, a windmill, and the ancient wine-making equipment are among the most versatileRange of furniture. Inside, the owners, Rob and Max Rittgen enthusiastic, knowledgeable and friendly! We enjoyed meeting the two men. The tasting is free, without pressure, and the wines we enjoyed so much, we bought some bottles. But wait, there's more! A duck pond in the back, with food for our feathered friends and koi pond to feed the stock. A shaded pergola invites. Inside, the cellar is visible, and a well-stocked gift shop can call your name. Among other things,the name "Dakotah" is a Lakota Indian and means friend. Allow 30 minutes. We found another gem!

"Florida Last Frontier" is Horseshoe Beach. A drive through mostly bush here brings the curious visitor. We were in the park for our picnic. The view was very nice, with pelicans and the islands in sight. There are some beautiful houses and boats with interesting names such as "hell on wheels". Provided us with our leftovers for lunch. However, there is no beach.Jackson Trail is near the city park, a picnic area for President Andrew Jackson, who has the dubious distinction of executing two British subjects near and almost causing a war has been called before he was still president.

By the time we reached Perry, we were ready to call it a day. Days Inn offers a good deal - $ 133 for a two night stay. They had a pool. Byron Butler Parkway Old Mexico was a nice restaurant with good food. We had a little language problem ended with Greg and a bowl of gold fishSize MARYJO was drinking sherry and served in place of Chardonnay. The dinner was $ 40 before tip.

Day 3

A good breakfast is located in the southern Hill Country Kitchen, Perry. Grits, biscuits and even must have catfish. Note: Southern, delicious as it is, involves a lot of carbohydrates and fried. Our breakfast was $ 14: A 3 omelet with grits and biscuits and 2eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, two coffees.

The forest of crackers and Homestead Museum is worth a visit! Did you knowturpentine that Florida is a major industry? The pine contributes to approximately 5,000 other products. Wow! The self-guided museum illuminates the timber industry and wildlife. Next door is a Cracker 1864 farmhouse, complete with house, barn, outbuildings, chicken and other farm buildings. Cracker is a term that refers to the Florida native and has come from the crack of the whip Florida cowboys! A garden created food all year round. Sugar cane grows when we were there. The grapes arefor the production of fresh fruit, jelly and wine. The smoke house was used for meat, so the family could eat all year round. Take your time and imagine life as it was then. Women who wash their clothes off, they hammer on a workbench. They cooked in a kitchen on secondment to the home to reduce the risk of fire. Men hunted and farmed to provide food. We think it would be an adventure, try this life for a few days, but I'm glad we live in the 21 Century. Allow an hour. Admission is € 2 per person. APicnic and playground nearby.

Poppa Jim's a good lunch spot. Fresh oysters are shucked in front of you. Our server is the grandson of the author. He explained that the bar is as wide as "Poppa", a retired teacher, wanted to have space to store the shells of oysters waiting. Greg had the fresh oysters and oyster stew! MARYJO had the Greek salad with shrimp and pieces of fresh shrimp. It was all good, although the salad seemed to take a while '. Our bill was$ 19. Other products include gumbo, fried fish, cabbage swamp (an old classic Florida) and po'boys. We asked to beaches, and they told us there are no beaches in the area. Most locals go to swim up to "handle".

Downtown is a historic and charming, but small. It did not seem open to a room after five. It 'a good area for fishing, hunting and hiking.

Day 4

We ate breakfast at Hardees. Yes, it's a chain, but in the south to the bone, the blessHeart. Featured on the breakfast menu were fried bologna biscuit, biscuits and gravy pork chop, potatoes and stifled. Each of us has chosen to wrap the breakfast tasty and reasonable. Greg and MARYJO added fried potatoes, grits. With two coffee, the tab was $ 10. One of our best offers! Nourished, we wanted our car faithful to the north and the "handle" of Florida.

St. Mark's Lighthouse, the Lighthouse Tour of the Forgotten Coast of Florida has been a priority for us. We wanted to gothe lighthouse, but unfortunately for us, is closed to the public. However, we observed some hiking, bird watching and butterfly. We were rewarded with some beautiful butterflies, some birds and a chat with the lighthouse keeper.

The lighthouse was built in 1829 The first lighthouse was built with hollow walls for the presence of moisture. But the plans called for solid walls, so the lighthouse was demolished and rebuilt! The lighthouse keeper was up to 15 whale oil lamps to light every night,and then deletes them every morning and clean all the windows! This lasted for hours!

We took the path Levee lighthouse, just outside the lighthouse. Along the way we saw seagulls, pelicans, herons and egrets. Monarchs, common Sulphur, Gulf fritillary by viceroys and danced. Prickly pear flowers have had rights and were prepared by those who know how to prepare the purple fruit harvest. This was used by the Indians. Sabal palm, also known as the cabbage palm grows along the path.The natives used the palm of the roof for cloth weaving, and ate the berries. Other plants are red cedar, wax myrtle and Bee Balm.

A beautiful park, Piazza San Marco offers hiking and biking trails, a visitor center and public boat landing. Admission is only $ 5 per carload! Visitors could spend anywhere from one hour to one day.
Driving the coastal road has given us a lot of landscape. Gulf of Mexico has often been in sight. At Wakulla Visitor Center, we learned that some of the "Tarzan" movies1930's and 40's with Johnny Weissmuller Wakulla Springs were shot. Located directly across the street was a park with springs, which once was very popular. The belief that water would cure everything from headaches brought on serious illness, many people in the region. Today, the springs are there, but all the bath houses are gone.

In addition, after the most beautiful race in Park Bald Point, we stopped for our picnic. The view was magnificent! The dunes, sea oats,Birds and butterflies were so beautiful! We saw a myrtle covered with monarch butterflies! A walk on the bright white sand was hilarious! Some people were fishing the surf. Driftwood was at the beach and cypress knobs astride the coast.

There are many settlements along the coastal road, including Panacea and Carrabelle. Carrabelle is a small city with a focus on fishing. Station has the world's smallest police. The station is a mobile phone! Often the police cars areSitting next to the cab waiting for a call. Must be nice to live in an area with low crime rate!

Crooked River Lighthouse, Lighthouses Lighthouse Tour of the another is only open to the public on Saturday, but visitors are free to visit the lighthouse keeper at any time at home. This is a replica of the 1895 four-bedroom home. Exceptions are air conditioned and equipped with modern plumbing. The lighthouse in iron and steel, and during the renovation, the structure had only sand andnew painting - has been very well maintained in these conditions! On the site of a picnic area with a 70-foot pirate ship for children, is called "Carabella". There are many species of native plants and birds. Admission is free. If it is Saturday, wait 15 minutes, unless the children are with you. Then you have enough game time!

Home for the next two nights is St. Joe's Peninsula State Park is located in the Gulf and is miles from any city. There are no concessions, but toilets and showers are clean andmodern. Two nights in a tent is $ 53 for our tent. For $ 5 and we had the wood for $ 2 a bag of ice. Our location in Sandy Pines Campground is very nice and secluded. However, it is on the edge of a swamp, and wetter. We heard a whistle, owl, while we ate our meals with homemade chili! Another camp is Gulf Breeze.

The BP station is the center of trade. Scallop Cove BP include renting canoes, kayaks, bikes, beach chairs and fishing gear. Bait, food, ice,Lunch, clothing and souvenirs. They also chartered fishing trips. They have the corner on the market!

Day 5

A quick breakfast of coffee with the field, fruit and toast, we started our day. The owl was the horn during breakfast! Cycling along the beach road, lease course of BP has provided an opportunity for us to try first-hand views of some beautiful beach houses, see the butterflies and birds to observe the plants and to exercise. Beautiful names like Jamaica,Summer Breeze and Bay were some of the names of the streets. The houses were named Coquina, Almost There and Haven. We saw two dead snakes and remembered as the ranger had told us, rattlesnakes are now because so many people to intentionally kill, they are protected! Rattlesnakes have their uses - is killing the rats! The cost was $ 7 per hour per bike.

The exercise had us ready for lunch, so we went heads Cone, one of the few places to eat. We found a ship-shaped building, painted bright blue, with TikiUmbrellas for patio tables and a pool table outside. They sell products, too! Each of us had a grilled fish sandwich with a side of fries and a glass of wine. Delicious! Our tab was $ 30 before tip. Other foods are hamburgers, salads, soups and desserts. There are some vegetarian dishes! Prices range from $ 3.99 to $ 13.99.

The beaches are beautiful white sugar sand! The dunes are protected, so do not walk up to them! The trees are beautiful, draped with Spanish Mosson the branches as decoration. There were very few people here when we were here in early November. Most of the few companies that are in the area closed for the season. Boating, fishing, bird watching, swimming and hiking to enjoy some outdoor activities. The story is rich region. The natives were here long before the Europeans, tools and pottery remains show. Spanish explorers were here in 1500 years. The settlers began moving here in 1800 years. The U.S. government has purchasedMuch of the land in 1940 for military training.

Jellyfish are marine turtles, rays and sharks in the marine life. On the ground, could rats, snakes and mice was observed. While we were recording, a woman called and said that the Rangers a snake in his mobile home! There are many birds, terns, beach runners, woodpeckers, wrens, woodpeckers, hawks and ducks. Please note the warnings on Alligator Bay and the central regions. Always store in a desert or gently!
One of the localcritters decided to check our'm cooking at night. It 'was closed and did not contain food, but an accident has awakened the contents spilled on the ground to be explored.

Greg decided to start our dinner, and enjoy surf fishing. The Whiting bite, and within an hour had 6 of them and prepare a fluke, of course. He had so much fun! MARYJO kept the bait fish and predators from gulls and plovers! A dip in the cool water was beautiful. Nothing like fresh fish, grilled on aCampfire! The hoot owl in the swamp is a beautiful accent to a meal.

Day 6

The dismantling of the tent, the decomposition is an easy task when the weather is nice! We have a passion for this industry, even if it is low. Port St. Joe is a picturesque town, we passed on the road the Panhandle.

Continue past the pasture, farm, small villages, small towns, wood and water, we finally arrived at Suwannee River State Park, near the pretty townLive Oak. Of oaks, red cedar, and pine trees dominate the park bathrooms and showers are modern and well maintained. There were many campers when we were here, so we had a lot of privacy. We were also one of the tents a few! Wood and ice are available at the ranger station, as well as canoes. The ranger told us that the next place to replenish stocks is the Wal-Mart in Live Oak, about nine miles.

At nightfall, after a beautiful sunset, we had our bonfire and our heartsSandwiches. The air was much cooler.

Day 7

The 40-something temperatures had hightailin us' into town for breakfast! Too cold for us to take to cook if you do not need. Fortunately we found Dixie Diner, a good local cuisine of the south, the chops and eggs, cereal, biscuits sawmill, sold like hot cakes and good coffee. MARYJO had the chops and eggs, while Greg chose the male Paul Bunyan breakfast, biscuits and sawmill gravy, bacon, fried potatoes,and eggs. Total for both first tip was $ 17 - a bargain for a good meal with good service.

A walk after dinner Live Oak has been fun and instructive. The Suwannee County Historical Museum, though small, attractive, entertaining and enlightening. Exhibitions include a 192-s Country Kitchen, Moonshine Still, PBX 195-0, a pony and cart belonging to the first governor of Florida, Charles Drew. Admission is free. Randy Torrance, the curator, gave us some history of the city,and current activities of the museum sponsors chatted. Leave at least a quarter of an hour. While in town, check the Courthouse, Old Court House, United Methodist Church, and gift shop McHale, a fairy dragon and wizard, and much more!

No more than a short distance in White Springs, Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park is that there are activities and camping, hiking, shopping, fishing and horseback riding. The center is dedicated to the memory of Stephen Foster, writerabout 200 songs, especially in the years 1850 and 1860. Titles like "I Dream of Jeannie, dark-haired," "Camptown Races" and, of course, "Swanee River." Oddly enough, Stephen Foster was not a Southerner, but was born in Pittsburgh, PA. He has never visited Florida, and was confined to the south again. He died in 1864 at the age of 37 years. He is a kind of legend ever since. In the auditorium of exquisite handcrafted dioramas are displayed by some of his songs. Pianos and organs as theShows, including the keyboard J'anko. It is extremely unusual for a keyboard, invented with 6 different sets of keys, in 1882. This is a beautiful piece awesome! It is based on Stephen Foster Memorial Carillon, holds 97 bells, one of the largest in the world. The music is played regularly. In addition, there is a craft, shops and a restaurant. Special events, such as the Florida Folklife Festival on the grounds. Snapping turtles, alligators, sturgeon in the Gulf,and other wildlife call the park home. In the spring of life is a Florida Folk Festival on the grounds. The entrance to the park is only $ 5. Leave now, at least.

White Springs was once a tourist town, known for its healing mineral springs. Native Americans before the area was considered sacred because of the supposedly medicinal springs.
A warm afternoon for a canoe trip on the Suwannee River called. We paddled upstream, basking in the sun, and the rockFormations, trees and sandy banks of the River. At one point the water is stirred a sturgeon! The neighborhood is quiet, cool water, and the return trip easier! Upstream first allowed us to drive again. Do not forget to bring water to drink, and sunscreen before his time. For 2 hours, the fee was $ 10.

A chicken dinner with peppers, onions and sweet potato fries on the stove was delicious! Sitting around the fire kept us comfortable! A glass of wine addedAmbiance!

There is much to see and much to do in North Florida! We recommend this trip to anyone who wants to get out of the way!

Adventures in North Florida

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